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Weaponizing a pandemic to destroy public education. Look to Chile’s system if you want to see how it will look in 5 years.
yeah those critiques have merit. american teachers are overwhelmingly white (72%) and serve as foot soldier level cops for the school to prison pipeline. teaching is a notoriously racist profession in the US partly responsible for some of the divergent outcomes between white and nonwhite students. almost no nonwhite kids respect their white teachers.
reforming public education in the US would mean hiring demographically relevant teachers for segregated schools, which would also vastly reduce the amount of white teachers in the country.
In most cases the teachers are hamstrung to teach an inherently liberal and white supremecist curriculum. If the curriculum were not just absolute corporate manifest destiny brainwashing it would not only be easier to fix the demographic representation of teachers, but also change the school to prison pipeline.
american teachers are overwhelmingly white (72%)
That’s a nationwide stat, but no way that number is that high in urban schools. In the districts with majority non-white students, the demographics of teachers are much closer to the student population. Administrators on the other hand…
US partly responsible for some of the divergent outcomes between white and nonwhite students.
I’m sure there’s no economic or structural factors that contribute to this.
It’s a right wing talking point in that it’s used to justify a lack of commensurate compensation and to delegitimize unions
But also :yea:
One of my first jobs was a long term sub position for a teacher who just handed out packets and played on Facebook all day. Apparently she used to be real involved and passionate with various committees in the district and burnt the fuck out after her divorce coupled with a bunch of initiatives losing funding at the same time.
Look to Chile’s system if you want to see how it will look in 5 years.
what is it like in Chile?
the vast majority of the population are forced to attend charters paid for mostly (but not entirely, muh subsidy capture) by vouchers. the elite won’t touch voucher schools with a dead dog’s dick and send their children to actual private schools that don’t take vouchers. a small minority of state bureaucrats in the military and civil service are allowed the luxury of real public education (mostly to keep them from couping the government)
In most places in the US, public school funding is local i.e. rich suburbs have good schools and poor neighborhoods have bad schools. I have no doubt the wealthier school districts will spend what they need to to maintain quality (if for no reason other than to keep up property values) but the groups who want to destroy public education will attack those poor districts hard. So we’ll end up with a situation where rich kids get to learn in top notch environments while poor kids won’t even be able to go to a public school, the only one that operates in their area is the Evangelical-run Ken Ham Elementary School, where the teachers don’t need any degrees, certifications, or even a background in teaching and get paid $13/hr.
In NY the state comes in to “save” the district, which means replacing admins and bringing in a bunch of teachers who are really good at lecturing straight out of the Common Core books. I’m sure a lot of states’ privatization will look like that. They say the state’s coming in but everything’s so heavily contracted out that the state is more of a facilitator than anything. What’s that thing that involves a blending of corporate and government functions?
which means replacing admins and bringing in a bunch of teachers who are really good at lecturing straight out of the Common Core books
Is this a good thing or no? I guess it depends how good the common core books are.
It will tend to raise scores because they teach directly to the tests and at that point testing so abysmal anyways. But it is not good. It absolutely destroy’s kids’ relationships with schooling. The common core standards are good, but the modules they provide us to meet those standards are pretty shit. You have what are called Adopt and Adapt districts. Adapt districts are pretty much better across the board because teachers are given the modules but get to make their own lesson plans.
As far as the lecturing straight from the book, even if the book is good, let’s just say there’s a reason you don’t know what your teachers’ lesson plans used to look like. It’s pretty crude and has several well-studied pitfalls that further disadvantage a lot of the kids that most need intervention at the failing districts, particularly kids with high behaviors, authority problems, and learning disorders
Libertarians and fundies are relishing at the prospect of collapse
Or worse, how many of them desire to BE the looters, stealing from those they see as easy targets so they can feel like a badass.
Libertarians and fundies have allied for decades to destroy public schools through school vouchers or just direct funding of private religious and/or for-profit orgs.
Fuck it. Tap me in to teach history. I can’t be any worse that the propaganda that’s crammed in their heads daily.
i think western countries are FUCKED. basically every western gov is going full conspiracy theory in regards to covid, basically pretending long covid and systemic dmg as a result of covid doesn’t exist.
it’s fascinating. what makes westerners like this?