Ngl, this is something I’ve had to put effort into unlearning, like ableism.
criticize people for their ugly opinions not their ugly looks (yes people this includes incels)
I don’t understand that take unless you’re saying they don’t have ugly opinions?
There is a general feeling almost all people in America (likely the West et al) where if somebody crosses a boundary, you have the moral highground to to dehumanize them. Everyone has their own different line. Chuds and liberals of course base their threshholds off of stupid shit like “you did a crime, now you deserve the punishment.” “Trump’s mouth is Putin’s cockholster.”
American leftists have this problem as well, where once we know somebody is “bad” then it’s no holds barred on what you’re allowed to say about them. That’s how the Vaushes and such form, where racist and sexism is not only logical but moral if you are doing it to a “bad person.”
I don’t know exactly how to stop it, because there are evil capitalist scum out there. But when our “responding in kind” veers into racism, sexism, ableism, etc. then it’s something we need to stop.
I hate to bring up the antiwork drama again and fuck that mod for being a sex pest, but before I heard about their wrong doing I was a bit excited to see someone who was trans, neurodivergent, not traditionally beautiful, and underemployed finally getting a say at something. For like a brief second I felt the least bit of representation. Then they started getting attacked for how they looked, for being trans, for not being an alpha chad roughneck oil worker, etc. and it became a shitshow.
Yeah if she was a muscular white miner no one would’ve cared about “representation”. Hell they wouldn’t even care about they walking dogs for a living. Clearly shows what the sub thinks about who can have a voice.
BTW there’s a post pinned about wage inequality for trans people on r/antiwork steadily being downvoted as well. It’s the second pinned post
See, the moment I saw they were trans I was like “oh no” because I knew that was going to be the thing they would latch on to. I honestly wonder if Fox News didn’t pick them for precisely that reason.
A guy being cringe is just a guy being cringe, but a trans person being cringe is because all trans people are cringe.
I honestly wonder if Fox News didn’t pick them for precisely that reason.
If they did it’s smart on their part. Who knows honestly.
She picked herself. Fox just sent a request asking to interview someone from /r/antiwork.
The interviewer wasn’t even cruel. He was oddly sympathetic. He just let her hang herself with her own rope. It was like watching a car crash in slow motion, the bodies jerk forward and slam into the dash.
A guy being cringe is just a guy being cringe, but a trans person being cringe is because all trans people are cringe.
That shit effects anyone who isn’t white and straight and is honestly one of the most obvious aspects of white and cishet privilege.
Around Christmas my cousin was talking about how they listen to various political talk radio shows to “get a broad understanding sniff” he talked about the right wing show, the ‘left’ wing show, and then He said “there’s a black political show” he listened to and that “the blacks were mad” about something and like fuckin lol, ok all black people feel this way bc some guy on satellite radio said something. :lmayo:
Your cousin sounds like this old friend of mine who I rarely catch up with anymore. He has caught the anti-woke brain worms. After getting called out for his narrow views (by a couple of his Exes) he expanded his purview by listening to “a Black podcast.” His choice? Bad Faith. He listened to the episode where a panel questioned Why White people liked the Beatles so much when they aren’t very good. He took it all very literally and responds to everything in a very debate bro, logic™ manner without seeing the larger conditions.