americans looking at this and being shocked while in the UK it’s the legal norm to pay younger people progressively less for their labour lol
minimum wage bands are lower and lower under the age of 25. it’s a disgrace but the excuse is that it “helps young people get their first jobs”
someone from the past: “whoa, what’s that strange pattern at the bottom?”
us: “oh, we have this crazy tech called a QR code”
someone from the past: “but you still have child labor lol”
us: “yeah lol”
Image processed. Individual identified. Sending in our agents.
No I think it’s Management is $16-20, then normal staff if you’re 18 is $15, etc.
Christ, we’ve been down that road for over a century. But prisons are increasingly just old folks homes for the poor. And when COVID has run rampant through jailed and jailor alike, productive declines.
All the prisons in the world won’t fix a raw decline in the labor force. We’re running out of people to subjugate.