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Can’t get Havana syndrome if you use the second controller :think-about-it:
In like 10-15 years tops :amerikkka: will all be living in a Strand type game where we will have to rebuild national infrastructure after Biden removes highway weight limits and the roads/bridges crumble from the constant stress of having lifted 4 ton dodge rams constantly going over them
If Die-Hardman had just replaced “rebuild America” with something else, that game would have been perfect. I don’t WANNA rebuild America!
The Terminator’s future war scenes.
SkyNet is just a stock-trading computer that amasses wealth for the world’s last billionaire. Said billionaire died years ago but the computer keeps going. Deep inside SkyNet’s central processor is the remnants of the last remaining bank computer, and everything SkyNet does is to increase that billionaire’s account balance.
Dont build the torment nexus