Not an American so I don’t understand this. “Cut unemployment benefits to 16 weeks”. Do you not continually receive welfare if you’re out of work? Is there a time limit?
Nurse internet buddy of mine has a theory that long covid is knocking way more workers out than the media would ever admit to.
I’m always proud of the fact I’ve never been to an Applebee’s.
It’s Boomer retirements, which they knew were coming for years and low-to-zero immigration. So many businesses have had to backfill, and it’s trickled down to no one having to work crappy $10/hr jobs with customers. So many other businesses relied on an underpaid person born in 1959 who hasn’t had a raise in 20 years because they were content, and now that person is gone and those businesses want someone with the same level of expertise and the same or lower wages.
theory that long covid is knocking way more workers out than the media would ever admit to.
scary if true, but I guess there is no way to know
i am once again asking you to please kill me
“require workers to take lower paying jobs or lose benefits” Look, does the job even pay enough to afford rent? Because at a certain point, if jobs pay so badly you’re just going to end up homeless anyway, why the fuck would you want to give some pukes your labor?
Fuck America, and fuck Biden and the Democrats in particular. My life was unironically better under Trump, and that’s fucking low.
Aside from the obvious ghoulishness, will this even remotely work as intended? Cutting the benefits last year barely moved the needle.
No because the majority of the labour shortage is a scam, companies are still doing the same bullshit 143681967988961 years of experience for entry level bullshit and they refuse to raise pay enough to make a difference. I think I already saw so many posts on social media last year of people applying for 50 jobs and getting maybe 3-4 responses let alone an interview, or random shit like this.
i’ve seen a few posts on antiwork that theorize that many of those postings are either PPP loan loop holes (look! we’re hiring but no one is taking the job!) or they’re fake job listings entirely as a way to harvest and sell data.
Holy fuck. Absolutely doomed country, the rot is so much deeper than I thought
Currently experiencing that. Makes zero sense, even like “menial” low paying jobs are just ignoring my applications so far as I can tell