I’ve seen them get called a psyop by MLs, and my interest is piqued. I know Epoch Times is very right wing, but what else is there?
I promised one a while ago, and its coming soon! I have actually started to write down my research which I usually dont do. Keep an eye on the effort com. The Falun Gong is pretty wild
This is about my understanding as well, except that in addition to the virulent homophobia of Scientology, they have the virulent homophobia of Scientology plus an equal amount of outrageous unhinged racism.
I mean, I’m sure scientology is racist in practice, because why not, but I mean doctrinally.
Scientology except plus an equal amount of outrageous unhinged racism.
Falun Gong is anti race-mixing, but unlike L Ron, Li Hongzhi has never said anything explicitly racist towards so-called “pure” races (although if we follow his statements to their logical conclusion, it’s clear that he’s implicitly racist towards mixed race people). Not defending FG, just stressing how stupid scientology is.
They were also present at the housing protests in the Netherlands last year. Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a group doing some sort of calisthenics under a banner of the falun gong.
(I, along with many other comrades, was wearing the appropiate attire for a housing protest, which looked funny while walking past the FG)
pretty sure the whole quirk about ‘organ harvesting’ the chinese do is they have an opt out organ donation law or something
they’re an anti race mixing UFO cult and they claim ancient Chinese exercises can teach you to fly
Mr. Li differentiated himself from other qigong masters by wrapping his regimen in a cosmology that promises salvation through the refinement of one’s character until the body literally evolves into another form of matter. At that point, the saved person is capable of flying to paradise, which may exist out in the cosmos, or in another dimension.
He said interracial children are the spawn of the ‘‘Dharma Ending Period,’’ a Buddhist phrase that refers to an era of moral degeneration. In an interview last year, he said each race has its own paradise, and he later told followers in Australia that, ‘‘The yellow people, the white people, and the black people have corresponding races in heaven.’’ As a result, he said, interracial children have no place in heaven without his intervention.
well this is some PR straight from a falun gong follower who PMed me on :reddit-logo:, funny too because I checked his history and he never participated in genzdong where I was commenting on how falun gong sucks so he must be searching for threads on falun gong to try to message people.
here’s my favorite part:
"Supernatural Abilities
Supernatural abilities are usually connected with Qigong practices in China. Falun gong is seen as a Qigong practice as well and they talk about supernatural abilities. Doing cultivation practices is thought to bring about abilities but it can’t be display clearly among society because it involves secrecy and people having to come to terms with people having to awaken on their own to their spiritual journey. If everyone can see a cultivator levitate then everyone would practice. It is not a big deal though since people believed Jesus Christ performed miracles, and the general population didn’t have problems with it."
also I forgot to add that falun gong are partially behind the “Chinese organ harvesting” propaganda as they claim practicing falun gong makes your organs super good and strong which is why the CPC targets them for organ harvesting. The other main reason for the harvesting narrative is that China has had an opt-OUT system for organ donations, where being a donor upon death is the default as opposed to opting into donation after death.