I was researching some things and came across this beaut
If your tire pressure is too high you risk getting a puncture from a sharp object on the road. If your pressure’s too low you can get a pinch flat when the tire bottoms out on your rim. The key is to find the in between zone.
Until we win back our rubber plantations
Our rubber plantations
Colonialism is a hell of vibe. Incidently, the British would go on to slaughter thousands of communists in Malaya, where “their” rubber plantations were located.
I was going to suggest protracted people’s war against the Br*tish, but I guess that works too
These sort of “we are in it to win it” advertisements were in every country during the World Wars.
Most countries after WWII stopped using so many military motifs for awhile in their media and advertising, not the US.
Defense contractors produced/sponsored their own kids shows and movie serials in the 50’s. Some did not stop until the 60’s.