I ask because I tend to jump off a book if It’s not grabbing me, which at times limits me with regards to what I’m reading.
Does it matter? Is it something I should try to push past or am I overthinking this and should just enjoy what I enjoy?
Don’t. Life’s too short.
If you’re enjoying it but it’s a hard read take a break and try again. If you’re just not enjoying it sack it.
I usually just stop reading it. My problem is with books I’m liking, but not vibing with at the moment. I used to keep going, but realized that by doing this I’d give it “bad review” because I wasn’t feeling it at the time. Now I just put it aside and come back later. Even if many months or years later
I don’t. There are so many books, if I’m not into it I drop it. If I know it should be good I am more likely to stick with it or pick it back up later. Neal Stephenson’s Quicksilver took me two false starts over five years to finally reach a place where I could see it through.
normally i put them down and forget about it. i think there’s only one book i finished despite hating it, and that was to be sure that i was right and it was an incredibly shit book and i didnt make a snap judgement. it was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_with_the_Golden_Touch
I check out books from the library, which of course jas a due date. If I like the book I finish it before it’s due. If I find myself struggling to get into and haven’t finished it by the due date, I just return it and never look back.