it’s fash and saying it is fash adjacent if not fash. ukrainian nazi numero uno came up with that one.
Problem is Wikipedia so whenever you bring this up to libs they’re like “ACHTUALLYLYYLYYY IT PREDATES THE NAZISSSS” with absolutely no sense of irony about the swastika also predating the nazis.
Slava Ukraini is fash adjacent/cryptofash, in that there is some degree of deniability if you absolutely feel the need to be charitable about it.
Slava Ukraini, Heroiam Slava is 100% fascist, absolutely no fucking question about it, fuck anyone who tries to argue about it they are a fucking nazi.
I mean it has a fascist origin, but chances are most people saying it are doing so because they see the news and nothing about history. A quick google search will tell you the origins of the phrase. But still. Imagine if everyone just started saying “Heil Biden” and got mad at you because you pointed out that the phrase was created by Nazis
Imagine if everyone just started saying “Heil Biden” and got mad at you because you pointed out that the phrase was created by Nazis
that’s actually how i’m feeling rn, that i’m being drowned in a wave of nazi propaganda and run the risk of getting called a putler-stanning nazi when i call out how openly fascist everything’s becoming.
It’s the same as insisting that what you’re actually doing is a “Roman Salute”
Fuck my lib coworkers and boss have all been saying this. I thought it was a general lib support catchphrase even though it sounds sketch.
Have been not saying anything and making noncommital active listening noises when my boss states it.