wow, people will fuck literally anyone you put on television
This is so fucking creepy lmao.
How many of these people even knew Ukraine existed 2 months ago?
What must Zelenskyy think when he sees these? He’s failed to prevent the invasion, he failed to bring in the Western allies he tried to appease instead of working things out with Russia, and now he’s betraying his people entirely by slugging things out in a hopeless war - a war that will lead to little or no material changes in Ukraine - whether they win or lose. He’s failed the people of Ukraine, and over in the West people are making pillow covers with his face on them as a tribute to his “sacrifice.” His sacrifice to Western hegemony, the Ukrainian people be damned. How does he live with that?
Dude’s either a hundred millionaire or a billionaire. I sincerely doubt he ever thinks about “How will he live” with anything. I’m reminded of Bezos commenting that he couldn’t think of anything to do with his vast wealth and power except to build a fake spaceship. I imagine Zelensky has the same breathtaking lack of imagination.
If I see another “based zelensky” comment I’m going to lose it.
Redditors are inserting Zelenskyy in their cuckold fetish scenarios now too. Dude he’s not a good leader, corrupt AF, horrible approval ratings pre-war, causes unnecessary deaths, one of his promises to being elected was to end the war in Donbass (at least a major contributing factor to this invasion to BEGIN with).
How the fuck do anime dakis feel less weird than this