It may seem paradoxical, in light of the Putin regime’s authoritarian tendencies, but such inclusion is to be welcomed. The Obama administration was right to criticize the disproportionate punishment of Pussy Riot, and it also should press for Congress to approve permanent normal trade relations with Russia and repeal the dated Jackson-Vanik law (which restricts imports and exports). Now that Russia is in the WTO, normalized relations would allow increased U.S. exports and better access to Russian markets.

fuck artists, all my homies hate bourgeois art

I bought their singer’s book a while ago. Meant to start it, but ended up losing it. Now I’m glad I lost it.


:geordi-no: Conservatism is the new Punk Rock

:geordi-yes: Neoliberalism is the new Punk Rock

9 points
Deleted by creator


14 points

a punk band can hate their president without collaborating with the united states

3 points



Its clear that they are were opportunist hooligans at best and at worse an op. The spectacles they would do in Russia did nothing but alienate most people and push more towards conservatism in Russia, and they popped up at a time when Putin was finishing consolidating the Oligarchs into loyal court billionaires and churning against the west with a “politics” that were nothing but anti-Putin . What’s hilarious is that they actually got the kid gloves for awhile because it seems the Russian state knew they were trying to become a symbol of dissent for outside media. They would do things like go to a public museum and have performative sex(admittedly cool), to Russian Orthodox Churches and riot and just do generally pointless and outrageous shit as if they were trying to get arrested and just got chased away at first. When the hammer finally came down they got imprisoned for about a year then got released and fled to the US to use their fame.

heres them at the Oslo Freedom Forum

a bizarre and shitty quality video of the main member Nadezhda speaking at a Koch Brothers funded Liberty Students Conference in 2016 with a Bernie shirt giving a milk toast toast endorsement and then palling around with the Libertarian’s.

Recently the founder Nadezhda Tolokonnikova whose the only one who really shows up for media anymore started an NFT scheme for Ukraine

“I feel like the NFT world is a great way to redistribute money” (in the Guardian article)

And is such a moron (or op) She is campaigning for Navalny and telling western media that the corrupt fascist and Russian nationalist would be a great president for Russia(never gonna happen anyway) lmao (Did an appearance on The View for him too)

-She sees a worthy successor to Putin in opposition leader Alexei Navalny. “Better social programmes, and redistribution, that’s all part of his programme. I’ve known him since 2007 – it has been really interesting to witness his platform become more and more social democratic, even though he doesn’t describe himself as that. He doesn’t use labels. I think it’s smart. He doesn’t want to divide people.” And as she recalls her own time in prison, Tolokonnikova urges the world not to forget that Navalny still languishes in jail. Her own work, specifically the UnicornDAO, “is not connected to Putin directly anyhow. But everything I’m doing is to be a greater pain in the arse to Putin because it’s so personal to me.” -

And her nihilistic confusing art campaign thats like a depoliticized adbusters Just celeb shit but man radliberalism is a strange world. Still better then the conservatives of course.




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