I cannot imagine anything but a bedroom full of cups with piss in them.
Probably Monster energy drinks and either dip or a flavored vape cart.
thy smel worst thn mi
Rotten piss.
Bazinga brained white nationalist in 2022: I must never bathe, my raw power comes from being an alpha, women respect my musk it’s a natural pheromone I read it on 4chan.
Viking in 1,000 AD [bathing, combing their hair, shopping at markets, being fancy]: The fuck is wrong with you man?
I love it that both Norman and Dane are pretty common names.
Who would want to be named Anglo or Saxon
The thing about incels is that I’m not quick to label them as like obese blobs with who look ugly. A lot of them are actually functioning normal looking men who’re just wild misogynists.
It’s surprising when you see that so many of them are not bad looking at all, it’s just that they got their heads filled with hatred towards women, which stops them from bonding and relating to women, which in turn stunts their intimacy with them and is a vicious cycle. Add in toxic narcissism and believing that men are not only owed sex but also beautiful women, and they have their standards set so high that they can never clear that bar. I’ve seen so many incels refuse to even look at women who are not super model quality, gee pal I wonder why you’re single?
I think there’s two varities ( for the most part). Some are definitely average or even fairly good looking dudes who most times just never learned how to socialize with women and are deeply deeply resentful to women over that fact.
Then there is the typical world of warcraft neckbeard type, both seem to be united in hating anything feminine.