Just a basic bagel/egg/cheese sandwich. Sauce makers, bind your shit a little more please! That’s all.
Tapatio is pretty thicc. Not sure how wide the distribution is, though.
You can also mix any hot sauce with a little melted butter to thicken it up and make it “stickier”, it’s essentially how sauce sticks to chicken wings.
Valentina is probably the thickest widely available hot sauce if you’ve never tried it.
I have, it’s good! Usually do El Yucateco if I’m going big brands. Cholulah used to be the go-to, but El Y dethroned it a few years ago. Most of my fridge right now is either stuff my friend made for his hot sauce business (this batch just came out a little watery), or things people gifted me (one brand of which, I cant recall, is basically just ingredients in a blender full of water).
yucateco is my go-to as well; if you’re ever looking for something different (more flavor, less heat), see if you can get ahold of pepper plant
Cholula green works pretty well for breakfasts. El Yucateco is my go to on the road, though.
I wouldn’t use it on an egg sandwich, but Siracha directly on my eggs is good. That’s a thic sauce for you, but it’s also a little sweet.