Click comrade Xi to read the article
The way China sometimes executes billionaire financial criminals makes western oligarchs a little nervous.
Even with Putin and Russia being the wests number 1 baddies atm, America can’t help but obsess over China. Truly living rent free.
That doesn’t mean that globalization is an unalloyed good. By its nature, economic liberalism exaggerates the downsides of capitalism as well as the upsides: Inequality increases, companies sever their local roots, losers fall further behind, and — without global regulations — environmental problems multiply.
Steady on now, old chap!
“Yet liberalism has also dragged more than a billion people out of poverty in the past three decades and, in many cases, promoted political freedom along with economic freedom. The alternatives, historically speaking, have been wretched.”
Citations fucking needed
edit: this fucking rag - look at the graphic for GDP divided as free/partially free/not free. “Come on Mexico don’t you want us to refer to you as a free nation? Just be a good colony again…”
edit 2: I can’t finish it, it’s just so nakedly biased. “Serpents”.
Not to mention the millions that counted as exiting poverty that were only in poverty in the first place because of the disastrous and illegal dissolution of the USSR
This is after talking about “The first great age of globalization, which started in the 1860s and was underpinned by British power and coordinated by British statecraft”. Shocking to hear that that wasn’t an unalloyed good.
Western elites: the ruskies did this
This is unironically going to be the next stab in the back myth for when the West turns fascist.
Two countries are developing closer ties? This is the end of globalization.
this article is such a piece of shit. they are calling for the murder of putin to unite “the woke and unwoke alike” and reopen McDonald’s in Russia. what fucking ghoul wrote this and how do we reprogram their brain to see human beings as they are
if the west wanted us to come together they wouldn’t expect me to unite with those who want me dead
Cmon, what could be so bad about working with le wholesome chungus Azov battalion?
they are calling for the murder of putin to unite “the woke and unwoke alike” and reopen McDonald’s in Russia.
Sponsoring the overthrow of a Russian autocrat to further one’s own political aims worked out so well for them the last time they tried it in 1917.
Sadly, one thing Marx really missed the boat on was the theory that a country’s citizens would grow more inclined towards socialism through industrialization. The Russia of 1917 was far more revolutionary than the Russia of 2022, simply because there’s that thick buffer of Treat-Eaters willing to commit virtually any atrocity to continue their flow.