I got the idea from a dead Twitter thread with only two replies…
Disabled lives do not matter to politicians.
Literally no loss of life or well being stops or slows the money machine.
Americans are willing to tolerate an infinite amount of death without rioting
I’m stealing that to share with libs at reddit. I’m certain some of them will become angry. Not at the comment itself but at its messenger: me.
And when they start to lecture me “What are you suggesting? Are you actually suggesting that we break the law?” - I will not say “Yes” because I’ll just get banned. But I’ll needle them in a way they can’t escape. I’ll say “If the Russians invaded and some entire states were left to fight on their own - everybody would surrender. Americans aren’t Ukrainians.”
Here’s some :bloomer: stuff to counter the impending doomerism. I learned that:
I’m trans and that’s wonderful. for the first time in my life, i can actually see myself as a complete, real person. before, i didn’t even begin to realize how much i was missing because i lived in the wrong gender.
I’ve gone full communist. i’ve always been kinda anti-capitalist, against the bourgeoise state, against war & imperialism, but i hadn’t gotten rid of all my liberal brainworms. seeing in real time how the west destroys itself really fixed that. Speaking of which …
I’ve realized that the west is completely fucked. Heightening contradictions are real. We can wear them down. the bourgeoisie may be more powerful now, but it lacks the foundation it would need to win a war of attrition. The days of this system are numbered. There’s hope, you fuckers.
I am happy that you are living your life in a way that’s happier and healthier for you.
I’m not sure if it was specificalyl the pandemic, or just my small view of the world, but it seemed like a lot of people were understanding their trans-ness and queerness in new and different ways, which while im sure can be awful, is still beautiful to see.
Congrats on your realising your identity (both gender and political)! We have to take our wins where we can get them. I have become more politically aligned since the start of the pandemic too, and I learned that taking care of myself is quite nice, actually.
Also yeah, the west is fucked. Hopefully the global south will take over and be better stewards than we were, and also hopefully we won’t get too hurt in the west’s death spasms.
That the government’s hatred of the poor isn’t some strange isolated matter, that actually it’s the people who genuinely hate the poor and want them dead and the government is just a reflection of it. So, so, SO many posts by people shrugging their shoulders and saying it’s the bottom, worthless, non-contributing millions of people who’ll die to covid. Yes, millions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands, but actual millions. No I didn’t know people hated them this much, yes I was that naive.
I also learned that pandemics can be a great strategic resource for murdering refugees and illegal immigrants (need to remember to say ‘illegal’ because wE DoN’t cArE AbOuT LeGaL mIgRaNtS, jUsT dO tHe PaPeRwOrK) because just sticking them in gas chambers is bad optics.
Chronic pain is super bad. There is nothing good about it. There are no lessons to be learned from it. The intractable post-covid migraine that I had for eight months taught me nothing except that pain sucks. It blots out everything else in your awareness, and it changes you.
The acid trip I took one month before the onset of the forever-migraine prepared me to learn this. It also, therefore, prepared me to learn that there was nothing good about the trauma I endured as a child. It was not a good thing even if good things came out of it. Pain is bad. Pain, extended too long, destroys you in ways you never imagined were possible. Pain should be minimized. Perhaps not a revolutionary idea for most people, but I needed to learn this as an ex-Catholic, because I was taught that suffering pain was inherently virtuous.
My personal experience with covid also taught me that my health is so much more fragile than I thought it was. I put a heavy burden on my body to work as hard as I did pre-covid. When you lose your health, no one will be there to catch you. Society will leave you behind and doctors will scoff at you. It will just be you, alone, in silence, with the screaming pain of your body and the tightness in your lungs.
My hatred for america and americans is now personal