They always like to yap on about leftists “scolding” them. As if me telling them that being rude to others just for having a different skin tone is akin to a nagging mom being harsh on their cheeky kid.
Yet here they are nagging me to be good for porky and for no reward either except some self-righteous idea of noble sacrifice.
“Earns” $20M and is “worth” $400M
Nothing quite like getting lectured on “entitlement” by a fat pig who demands to be fed more, more, and more.
He lives on easy street and makes money doing nothing, I have to bust my ass for nothing. I should be lecturing THEM on entitlement. I should be lecturing gammons on entitlement who think they’re too good to put hard work in and should just have free shit thrown at them for being white and having a penis.
The media machine got a LOT of play out of that line goddamn it’s like they feed us this slop on purpose
“See, life’s tough-”
ass wiped by manservant, $100000 toilet paper
“kids these days-”
shovels an entire tin of caviar down throat in one go
“are so soft and entitled-”
carried to superyacht by a squadron of butlers
“maybe they should stop whining-”
screams at captain to the point of vomiting all over the deck because he wasnt greeted with “sir”
“and get to work-”
cries because his secretary couldn’t get him a last minute reservation at Dorsia in the evening
“entitled little shits.”
falls into the water while trying to shit on some dolphins over the rail, fires captain for it