For me, it’s Tehnoobshow, the guy who made Runescape machinima videos.
Can’t believe I didn’t think of this before, but a post on here just reminded me of =3. Less funny than just watching the actual viral videos themselves.
The unbridled chaos energy of 4chan. It was never good but it was fun when it wasn’t being horribly racist.
Looking back it’s just like :cringe:
r/tumblrinaction or r/cringe used to have the vibe of the old Something Awful comedy goldmine/ awful internet deep dives. But then I realized the pipeline from making fun of dragon cosplayers or vore fetishists or Harry Potter fanfics to anti-trans/ queerphobic/ misogyny/ fash posting was waaaaaay more obvious on the hellsite. So put the kibosh on that.
Rucka Rucka Ali
Jame Bond
American guns (I used to be like a weeb but for US weapons, grew out of that weird shit. Still love guns but now im not a chauvinist about it)
“Good, non-evil” eugenics, the lib kind with slightly less overt murder and more selective breeding. You know, just so Idiocracy doesn’t become a heckin documentarino :so-true:
Carl of Swindon
Crazy SJW compilations,r/tumblrinaction, r/cringeanarchy
Epic based Burned Man Joshua Graham
Looking back I am very fortunate to have ended up here. I think the two main factors that kept me from falling further into right wing brainwashing were:
-The outcome of the 2016 election, which kicked the racism and nazi shit into a higher gear and shocked me out of the “ironic” RW spaces as all the people I had been making “jokes” with suddenly stopped pretending to be joking. That’s right, you’re looking at the one guy on alt right reddit who was actually just kidding.
-The fact that so many of these commentators are fucking losers. And not in the way they try to redefine the term, as “someone who isn’t rich”. They come across as losers in that instinctual, primal, pre-social way, like a caveman who absulutely should not be trusted around cave-kids. Most of us experience bullying at some point in our lives and know its bad, but most of us also remember that one person from school who absolutely deserved to be bullied. Thats the vibe I get from shapino, peterson and all those other vicious freaks-just wretchedly cruel and vacuous beings who should be sealed away for the good of society in a big box with wards carved all over it.