This red-diamond person being quote-tweeted reflects the standard Liz Warren voter, right? The lib who’s achieved and thinks they and fellow achievers deserve rewards, but some other contingent must not. Liberalism has always kept out-groups from sharing what society has to offer; in this case it would be non-degree holders. (I was reminded of this today after someone reposted the infamous Liz Warren “barbershop” tweet, where Peter Rabbit and Spiderman DVD cases were taped to the wall. Wtf was that anyway lmao)
No one should get poverty wages, but if you’re paying down student debt you need a higher wage to not be receiving a poverty wage (or you need the debt cancelled).
The barber op is one of my favorite things to bring up about the primary. Shadow inc. is too conspiracy-brained and the other candidates were just outright terrible.
Elite overproduction goes brrr, and so forth