Based Waters
Lol me too, where was it btw? I saw him in Dublin (not Irish, I just went there on a trip with a friend).
Yeah the pig is awesome, everyone lost their shit at that and at the laser pyramid near the end.
In front of me and my friend was this short, bald Irish boomer who was either drunk or high (or both), and he was just the most excited person I’ve ever seen about anything. He did weird theatrical manoeuvres with his arms, played air guitar and grabbed his head a lot. Then he kept turning towards us, screaming “YEAAAH” or something like that and hugging us, or singing the lyrics. At some point he randomly met a couple of old friends and they started doing manoeuvres together and hugging each other. That guy ruled.
By far the most expensive concert I’ve been to but it was worth it.
“Described the apparent social and moral decay of society”
But really I love the album and Dogs has my favorite guitar work in any Pink Floyd song.
I’m definitely going to listen to this album again today :)
Roger Waters is great, although I do think he doesn’t give Gilmour enough credit for his contributions (he bills himself as “the musical genius behind Pink Floyd,” or at least he used to). But damn does he put on a great concert; I saw him twice back in the aughts.
I do think he doesn’t give Gilmour enough credit
Tbf look at what happened after Roger left lol. Dave is fantastic in his own right but he couldn’t do what Roger did
They’ve had some decent work since he left. It’s not as brilliant as the earlier stuff, sure, but I think a big part of the genius of Floyd was the give and take between Waters and Gilmour, particularly in the case of Dark Side of the Moon (Gilmour said in an interview that he wanted the album to be very “swampy” and Waters wanted it “dry”). The whole was greater than the sum of its parts.
You can’t just say *rwell like that, you have to censor it