“consumers” of healthcare
Same vibes as one of those still alive Kennedys talking about how no person should have to deal with medical bankruptcy…without a lawyer by their side
Thought you were gonna go with the absolute classic “Describe in 3 emojis how your student loans make you feel”, which might honestly have been the single most offensive thing she ever said / was credited with saying.
Edit: Found the tweet, because I suddenly wondered if it was a fever dream or not. Enjoy: https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/631538115514007553?lang=da
It gets me so fuckin’ mad knowing that just because I have some decent luck in life that I have no real medical issues. I’m very grateful for my condition, but I still want everyone in the U.S. (and the around the globe of course) but be able to get the care they need, when they need it, and get it for free. Human health is such an utter roll of the dice with a ton of other random modifiers outside our control. The idea that getting sick can lead to financial ruination is just abhorrent. Health, wellness, and sickness, are all interlinked and are public issues. There shouldn’t be medical debt, and more importantly there shouldn’t be a private healthcare industry. 99.99999% of all the medical research, training, technological advancement, all of it comes from publicly funded research at universities, colleges, and other public institutions. Even the private companies prodominatly pooch off publicly funded research . Why the fuck do we then privatize health? I hate market based solutions to public problems. Neo-liberalism and all it has spawn is a fuckin’ joke. It’s a terrible system that doesn’t address anything other than “How to make the money number go up?”.
something like 1 in 5 CEOs is a psychopath iirc. Same ratio you see in prisons. Ratio in the general population is like 1 in 200 or 1 in 100.
the other 4 CEOs might not be psychopaths, but with a 20% psychopathy rate the remaining 80% are gonna be trending toward the callous end of the normal spectrum.
add onto that callousness all the greed, narcissism, classism, and diffusion of responsibility / “it’s not my fault” delusion and the other 4 CEOs might as well be psychopaths.
The other four might not be psychos, some of them might have a little empathy for their workers like the Costco guy. But the other four have to compete with the psychos or be replaced by one. They learn to act like the psychos and compartmentalize it by saying “it’s just business.” So they’re all psychos, four out of five just do it for the paycheck.
(Gilbert Gottfried voice) “The Democrats!”