6/ By associating himself w/ charitable causes, he cultivated the aura of a zany but loveable ‘saint’ - a smart move in a country where charity is often more highly-regarded than state intervention. Why, for example, was it necessary for Savile to raise money to pay for the new roof at Stoke Mandeville hospital? Why didn’t the state pay for that?
The answer lies in the Thatcher government’s fondness for philanthropic entrepreneurs. Far better to have the funds raised through charity - just like the good old Victorian days. As a result, Savile was able to create his own private predatory hunting ground
And the same in Broadmoor. It is almost incredible that a dj with no therapeutic experience was allowed free access to a top security mental hospital filled with deeply vulnerable people. This was done partly because Savile was regarded by the Tory government as a poltical ally who it could use to prevent Broadmoor nurses from going on strike. Yet even when Edwina Currie ('He is an amazing man and has my full confidence) was given indications of what Savile might be up to, she didn’t act to remove him.
finally, someone asking the right questions. Someone please post this thread in /r/TrueAnon, we need more internationalism in Bourgeois Pedo Studies scholarship