Ideally we would be building structures that are both beautiful and practical. I don’t really vibe with Soviet brutalism aesthetically but I appreciate the utilitarianism.
I would also like to propose that anyone who has designed or purchased that fucking minimalist modern all white+marble shit goes straight to the gulag.
Brutalism with vertical garden intergration.
This. Brutalism with natural looking materials and including greenspaces would be ideal.
There’s also computer/AI designed stuff which is pretty neat looking. It’s like organic brutalism, if that makes sense. More natural shapes and arrangements, less blockyness. And it’s super efficient in terms of walking and usage of space.
The cookie-cutter mcmansion shit absolutely has to go. just go on zillow, go to your area, and sort houses by price. You will see all that shitty wealth architecture. People trying to copy some idea of what is fancy but with cheap materials. Looks absolutely soulless.
A suburban block should be built around a central shared use green space. This encourages social interaction and improves neighborhoods.
ABSOLUTELY! I’ve been day-dreaming a lot lately of converting a sub-division of unsold suburban houses into a neighborhood commune HOA. All fountains, lawns, gate-houses, etc would be converted into a central farm with a restaurant and farmstand attached. Living in the community would give people first option to work one of the jobs there. People would walk to work, get food locally, have a strong micro-economy. And like you said, the lawns could be re-organized to be a public space. There could be a nice network of trails for walking and biking. I’m looking forward to a c/commune comm here so we can discuss stuff like this more.
parks. parks everywhere would be my dream world. hiking trails winding through communities like you describe would be so damn nice (esp if they connect all these different green spaces together). this is living in a small rural crap town with no parks or green spaces. and i’ve thought about turning a piece of my yard into a community garden (only have one neighbor i’m cool with though so would be a small community lol but it’s a start).
brutalism but it’s wood
Chimps build leaf nests for the night, so uhhh, that
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