LEOs knew her, she was often in court facing them.
When she died, Leyrer was working for the Seattle Office of Labor Standards, investigating issues of wage theft.
what the fuck guys
death to police
Holy shit my friend who knew her and went to law school with her was telling me about her today… was a court lawyer fighting for the people. The place she was hit was a low speed residential/shopping area, the Sheriff deputy was going over twice the speed limit and it was a personal medical emergency… She was known as someone trying to stop ICE Her cat was in her lap and they hit her. The sheriff has big fucking trucks and SUVs Fucking acab
a King County sheriff’s deputy, in the midst of a medical emergency, plowed into hers and two other cars.
I guess cumming your pants with bloodlust counts as a medical emergency
Apparently the guy just stroked out massively while driving, he’s in the ICU. Freaky.
Late Sunday afternoon, Leyrer’s husband posted on Facebook: “I feel confident that Sarah’s last conscious moments were filled with loving thoughts, stroking and talking to [their cat], who was most likely purring contently.”
I’m gonna cry
I wish I could say this was surprising, but the Seattle police department is pretty fucking bad.
The Seattle police department is proof that you can be the best well trained department in the country and still be absolute trash.