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I have always felt a lot of people who think this is cool are people who have dunning-kruger’d themselves into believing that they are surrounded by stupid people and they are the shining beacon of intelligence in a sea of stupidity.
I feel this way about Idiocracy
House is literally a version of Sherlock Holmes. Like explicitly meant to be a take on the character.
So that’s probably the trope you’re seeing.
Kind of, yeah. I’ve only read a couple of the stories, but it’s basically the same guy lol
Eccentric rude guy whose main redeeming quality is being really good at puzzles and lucking into incredibly forgiving friends.
I’ll say the TV shows give a different vibe. The character drama was not the main point of the Sherlock stories, at all, it was mostly just about solving the mystery
Sherlock Holmes from the books is a gent. From what I remember more of a knowledgeable deliberative pulls-no-punches vibe than annoying jerk.
Yeah it was played as just a character quirk moreso than this overarching dramatic personality flaw that was ruining everyone’s lives
Watson mentions a few times that Holmes’ knowledge only extends so far and a lot of it isn’t practical or very structured. He has a complete obsession with investigating crime and knows basically nothing about anything else, except maybe playing the violin. I think a plot point in one book is that Holmes knows absolutely nothing about astronomy?
in the books he’s portrayed as a mess.
the fact he gets bored and injects cocaine and is very abrasive are both portrayed as flaws
House’s drug addiction and abrasiveness are also portrayed as flaws as well. The fact they try to make him seem a bit more likable at times is probably because execs feel that “happy endings” and “likable characters” is what keeps people tuning in.
This is basically the answer. I’d also add that in both cases, though the protags are portrayed to have great aptitude, if anyone watching either show thinks being like them is ‘cool’, they can’t have been paying attention. They both live lives of thorough self-torment and self-destruction.
subtle propaganda for fetishization of the individual and some “great man” theory sprinkled in
strokes the narcissistic egos of people who view themself as similar to House
helps people in positions of power to not side with the “unwashed masses”
the more you see this shit…the more you die inside
This show is like 45 minutes each, with 20 episodes per season, and 8 seasons lol. How the hell do you watch all that
House was one of the last shows of old-format US TV. After the writer’s strike in 2008, US TV started adopting 13-episode seasons. Before that they were usually pretty long. It’s not a show designed to be binge watched. You’re supposed to watch one per week, with some breaks due to sports/holidays. It was also back when procedurals were all the rage.
Is Rick and Morty kind of the same, the genius makes the asshole traits forgivable?
The Bojack series did the cool thing of making the character accountable for the horrible things he did. Although I’m sure you knew that.