I’m following Alan Thrall’s video on this exercise and it’s irritating as hell. I can’t reach my chest/upper body consistently. And when I do, it’s usually one arm reaching it first the the other - in other words, it seems like my arms are imbalanced in strength and they can’t bring the bar up at the same time.
Also, I’ll occasionally feel a sharp pain in my shoulders when doing this and I have no idea why. In conclusion, I hate this shit.
Any tips or alternatives that train the same groups? I’d do chin ups, but I’m trying to do rows to build up muscles for chin ups :agony-deep:
this mf said barebell
Do a chin up progression lol
Watch the Scooby fitness chin up progression vid and you guaranteed or money back will do one chin
Eventually you git gud and can do them weighted
I kno, but they’re booth a kilogggrammme
Chin ups are almost like a skill you have to develop, if you wanna do em you just have to practice them
I personally have never liked barbell rows, they are too easy to cheat and are kinda awkward
I started doing them just hanging like in the vid and now I can do them ez
i hate barbell rows and i just replace them with alternating low rows and chest supported rows. idk if its the same exactly but honestly fuck barbell rows they never feel right for me and always feel sketchy.