So would you rather be Peter Theil’s blood bag or a War Boy in Lord Musk’s army?
Civilization collapse in this context still means north america will be fine, northern europe (especially north east Europe) will also most likely be fine. I want everyone to make sure they understand who will be most impacted by this shit.
It’s places closer to the equator that don’t have the insanely large fresh water supplies that north america have that are going to be absolutely fucked. Especially because they don’t have nearly as high tech of an agricultural industry.
Canada will be the richest country in the world because of its by far the highest population to fresh water ratio.
Americans not being able to fill the cold, dead void in their hearts with endless consumer goods that were produced by people earning slave wages will probably cause a lot of instability, though.
As a matter of fact I think the opposite is more likely. America will be able to maintain global hegemony as the world’s largest supplier of food. It could if anything return the US back to an era like it was in the 60s where the US represented a much larger percentage of the worlds economic activity.
Nope. The central valley of California will face Sahara-like conditions which will fuck up the domestic food supply
Poorer countries will definitely be the worst off, but “fine” paints a very different picture than what I’ve seen scientists say about North America.
At the 2 degree climate change that’s currently what we’re on track for, the decline in crop production within the Mississippi/Missouri River watershed will still produce far more food than it did prior to the green revolution of the 60s which doubled crop yields. Reductions in crop yields are far worse in other regions of the world like say, India or within south america.
Canada will be the richest country in the world because of its by far the highest population to fresh water ratio.
Great, as a Canadian I (don’t) look forward to the super ecofash anti-refugee movement that will pop up here sometime in my lifetime once people start realizing this…
Strongly disagree. At 3 degrees or more we’re looking at the majority of European and NA Agricultural zones collapsing from seasonal instability. And no you can’t farm permafrost.
This is a “New Zealand with 300 million people” scenario.
3 degrees is considered an extreme scenario, currently people are focused on fighting off 1.5 degrees change and more practically fighting off 2 degrees.
3 degrees is theorized to only be what happens if we do absolutely nothing over the next 30 years and only then begin a project to decarbonize.
No. It assumes that none of the feedback cycles have begun, which they almost certainly have.
6-12 degrees is the BAU scenario, and honestly unless we get to negative carbon by 2030 it looks like we’re headed to 4 degrees minimum.
Source is depressing dinner conversations with pals at the Australian Board of Meteorology.
3 degrees is theorized to only be what happens if we do absolutely nothing over the next 30 years and only then begin a project to decarbonize.
I’d say that’s a pretty optimistic future if we’re looking at how things have been going so far.
What is the ecological impact on China? I know it’s a very large region but some general ideas must exist.
China is much more arid than the US, especially in the north. The southern part gets a ton of rain, but can be hilly and would be the part of the country most impacted by climate change. Their agricultural sector will always depend on imports if they want to provide things like meat to their entire population.
Could Siberia become viable farm land? I realize Siberia isn’t part of China, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they had their eye on it.
PAAG production down 50% since there is no food imports to fuel expanding posteriors
Civilization collapse in this context still means north america will be fine, northern europe (especially north east Europe) will also most likely be fine. I want everyone to make sure they understand who will be most impacted by this shit.
Not sure about Northern Europe, but from what I’ve heard Central Europe is quite vulnerable. I remember reading that The Atlantic Ocean current is in danger of disappearing/reversing, which will make the relatively mild climate of Central Europe similar to the northeast of the United States. Which obviously isn’t an extinction event, but it can be catastrophic as they’d need to adapt their crop growth and increase their dependence on natural gas (which if I’m not mistaken is the primary means of heating homes there).
Environmental related problems have hurt people for as long as human civilization has existed is the thing. Climate change would have to accelerate far worse than people are predicting to result in a collapse of the various nation states within north america.
The green revolution of the 60s resulted in far greater crop production per acre than climate change is expected to decrease production within the key regions for US food production less California kinda.
The US is so highly developed that it’s impact here is far from civilization ending, that isn’t true in other parts of the world both for development and broader geographical reasons.
Steffen told Voice of Action that the three main challenges to humanity – climate change, the degradation of the biosphere and the growing inequalities between and among countries – were “just different facets of the same fundamental problem”.
This problem was the “neoliberal economic system” that spread across the world through globalisation, underpinning “high production high consumption lifestyles” and a “religion built not around eternal life but around eternal growth”.
Lib brain: “Fundamental problem”? I’ve got a solution, and it’s called “incremental reform” - you leftys wouldn’t understand unless you’ve taken Econ 101. Can’t wait to #vote in November!
Chud brain: Hmmmm let me see, “globalisation”? I’ve got a solution, and boy is it final.
Leftist brain: I can’t technically be depressed if there aren’t Twitter screenshots any more.
I wanna be one of the dudes tied to the front of the vehicle.
Guitar-battle me for it, you coward!
I don’t even play metal that often, but I get that it’s more appropriate for the setting than jazz.
Lord Musk’s army. If I’m gonna die for a billionaire, I wanna die with an unpronounceable name.