Someone had asked in the now locked thread how he did what he did in terms of collecting uploads. I will relay the method as was explained to me. I tried to replicate it but I don’t have the technical acumen to pull it off. Maybe someone else can pick up the torch.
me: i gotta ask where you’re getting all these premium feeds from still. you cant possibly subscribe to all these pods… can you?
podking: lol! i scrape reddit and twitter
me: automated or by hand?
podking: reddit I periodically check, twitter I use a site called phantombuster to export search results daily
podking: and a bunch of scripts to parse through all the tweets and find patreon urls
me: looking at the phantombuster thing now… i assume this function is what youre using? “Twitter Search Export Scrape and export the results of a Twitter search into a spreadsheet”
podking: yep
podking: never needed to pay for it, free 10 minutes per day has always been plenty
me: what are you putting into the search field for results?
podking: for reddit comments
me: so if i wanted to automate this for trillbillies i would put “ trillbilly worker’s party” or something like that?
podking: search string for that is auth
Maybe this will make sense to someone more than it did to me. I could do enough to set up the phantombuster to do scrapes but could never actually produce results. I also can’t format this post worth a fuck and I’m giving up trying.
Godspeed fellow pirates.
podking still lives btw. Use SoulSeek or his torrent rss.
The guy kindly provided a list of all the rss feeds. At the risk of having my VERY PRECIOUS two year old account b&, the rss feeds for both good and very bad and shitty podcasts are here
I’m not familiar with this. What was the interface like? Was there like a dedicated website you could go to to listen to all these podcasts?