A new hit against me just dropped.
Years ago, in this video, I was being crass with a friend, trying to be funny.
We were acting foolish, and joking.
That’s it.
I’m NOT backing down.
I told you there would be a drip drip campaign.
Blackmail won’t win. We will.
:sweat: yeah a drip drip campaign
it’s seems pretty clear next week there will be a 20 minute video of him frotting and busting into some guy and shouting “I love having gay sex with other gay men like me” and he’ll be like, “this is just a cool game I play with my 100% straight bros.”
Bro I’ve been involved in some real weird dudes rock shit in the past(all boys boarding high schools, yeah…), but none of it involved getting butt naked and humping my friends face with my dick out, screaming at the top of my lungs, and my cousin being allegedly involved. Like no matter what kind of weird “straight homoerotic” shit, that even managed to unnerve my bi ass, went down, nothing even close to that.
That’s not joking, that’s not fooling around, that’s straight up sexual activity. Just own it FFS. There’s nothing wrong with it morally (unless his cousin is involved as rumours suggest.)
Cawthorne was raised in an incredibly insular christian community in the Asheville/Hendersonville area. He didn’t spend any time in public or even private school, just a circuit of questionable tutoring groups based out of Baptist churches.
The time I spent in that circuit was some of the worst in my life and having to interact with him and his ilk was insane. The kid was used to getting exactly what he wanted, but also being kept in a super confined box of right wing baptist bullshit.
He was team captain for the football team (a homeschool team that picked up anyone from a school that didn’t have a team). His dad was the coach and Madison had a habit of being a bit too handsy even for the “locker room” behavior. This wasn’t limited to guys though, he groped and harassed almost every girl in that circuit. The man is a sexual predator through and through. He does this stuff not because of repression or anything, but because he wants to exhert power over the people around him. He’s a fascist bully and sexual harassment is his primary mode of communication.
If this is true there will just be more and more leaks, sounds like he has done so much abhorrent stuff enabled by others like his parents.
Also if you actually knew him, you could give a good interview/warning, this guy sounds horrible
Yeah, I was on the football team with him. He was always super gross and way too handsy. Couldn’t stop making incredibly racist jokes at the expense of the one black kid we had on the team and was a pig with every girl he came into contact with.
He was always super into Greek shit and frequently did the “Nazi as a joke” routine that too clearly revealed that he was obsessed with fascism. This sort of stuff is normal for him. Like this is stuff I remember hearing about and seeing him doing all the way back in 8th grade.
I went to a rehab that was strictly separated by sex, and we used to have a saying - “if you graduate from xyz rehab and you’re not gay, you’re definitely not gay”
Though an all boys boarding high school, despite what I said above, might just be the worst place to go to as a gay or bi kid. The absolutely unreal amount of homophobia from all directions being the main reason, the British slang term for cigarettes got thrown around like it was nothing. In the 5 years I was there in the early 2010s (high school is grades 8-12 here), there was only one openly gay kid.
Is everyone going to completely ignore those weird, cavemen-like, ooga-booga, feral chants in the video? What was that?
He’s just joking around with his cousin, you’ve never screamed your lungs out while humping someone’s face as a joke before!?!?!?!!111
(Yes, apparently his cousin is involved :sadness-abysmal: )
So, is all this stuff leaking/coming up in rapid succession because he pissed off the leadership by letting people know about their orgies, and so they’ve sent out their minions to shovel shit, or is it just a coincidence?
We’re supposed to believe that this guy turned down invites to the DC orgies?