Modern Star Trek seems so depressingly far from having an episode in which workplace union organising was portrayed as an objectively good thing :sadness-abysmal:
Can’t wait for the nutrek Elon Musk episode where he comes back like Khan from the Eugenics wars but instead of Picard telling him about how great space communism is they make the Federation capitalist and liberal.
Workers of the world unite :rommunism:
It’s funny, after buying a flashlight on the right, i saw this meme EVERYWHERE.
Invest in a good flashlight, you never know
i saw this meme EVERYWHERE.
White LED lights are the devil and you deserve to be whalloped over the noggin with a silly squeeky clown hammer not made out of wood if your bright fucking lights even come remotely near my eyes.
Two bops over the head if it’s nighttime, and if I’m tired then you deserve to be tied up with a funny clown rope to a funny clown bumper of a funny clown car and dragged down an unpaved funny clown street at a minimum of 50 funny clown miles per hour while hitting every funny clown rock, hole, or bump till we reach the end of the funny clown street.