You know what really grinds my gears, Lois? :grillman:
When you’re in a busy as fuck parking lot, a line of cars trying to find a space, and a guy holds everyone up because he wants to slowly swing his giant car around and reverse into the park instead of just driving in normally. :meow-tableflip:
Like sure, do that when it’s not busy, but when everyones waiting to get past you? Rude.
Similarly, when it’s a busy parking lot and some asshole just stops waiting for somebody to leave their spot.
pet peeve: when they spray litter fuckin’ everywhere :meow-tableflip:
Asshole drivers who make 3 lane switches going 15 miles over the speed limit, just to end up at the exact same red light as me.
When my dog is excited and jumps up on me, ripping my headphones from both my ears and my phone and dragging them to the ground.
Oh and motorists who drive like it doesn’t matter if they kill cyclists
weak crotches in pants
OMG yes! Why don’t they make crotches in pants of Kevlar or teflon or plate armour or something?
I’m sick and tired of having to throw away otherwise perfectly good pants every half year because the crotch has been worn out.
What how is this like a big dick euphemism or do people wear pants wrong?