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Has this game even sold that much? I feel like it’s one of those games where the notoriety outweighs its actual popularity.
zombies are the horror aesthetic of liberatory violence from the perspective of the rich & white.
this is one of those hilarious times when the unthinking rightwinger stumbles into being correct by identifying themes a lot of people miss simply by being so gonzo in their ideological commitment theyr immune to seeing the criticism in the work
“When did zombie movies get all SJW and political???”
Ah yes, had to make them into “zombies” so it ends up being a “zombie shooting game”, when in reality it’s a call to violence.
And yes, you’re right. I said “zombies.” Because, if nothing else, Acquitted is a cowardly piece of dross. Some zombies carry Communist and Antifa flags, and the girl ones have pink and blue hair (satire!!!), but their blood is green, their skin grey, and their heads split open. In another act of astonishing parody, the game calls them “Brainless,” which would be quite the zing if you couldn’t literally see their brains.
“Self-defense VS the Braindead” reads its title screen. This reminds me of when vehicular slaughter-sim Carmageddon was released in Germany in 1997, when the country had laws that forbade video games to depict blood. Developers Stainless Games patched it for that market, making the people into zombies, the red blood into green goo. But there was no governmental authority looming over Nordic Empire, no external pressure to censor its own game. It just chickened out.
emphasis is mine
they can’t even do a half-assed cashgrab - they’re rocking a quarter-ass
So, Hatred but without the production values or excuse of artistic creativity.