Joining the war on covid on the side of covid.
so fucking disingenuous holy shit
Liberals are going to call anyone who cares about COVID doomers and “control freaks” pretty soon.
Fascists want you murdered because they don’t like your skin tone, your sexual orientation, or they simply don’t think you’re mean and badass enough, but will screech “LIVE AND LET LIVE” whenever they’re being the problem especially in a way that makes them part of some kind of in-crowd, from COVID to pollution.
americans will really tell you with a straight face that they’d rather die than have any inconvenience placed on them by the government no matter how mild and important it might be
i’ll eat like 8 slices of whole wheat bread in a day every once in a while. i can’t get enough of this shit. it’ll catch up to me but its worth it
Who can blame them when all they have seen is years of dragged out ineffective half measures? I don’t want that to continue either, it was ineffective.
We needed hard and fast crackdowns way earlier, similar to China. Anything short of that is pissing in the ocean
I’m a commie in burgerstan and I barely give a shit anymore. I have to work and there’s no institutional support for any ongoing safety measures. There’s nothing I can do, so fuck it.
As my friends all catch covid due to my school and government give up on doing anything good, and people try to convince me masking is unnecessary, I have nothing but respect and support for China actually doing SOMETHING about the virus still slaughtering globally
The way China handles COVID has been one of the strongest factors in radicalizing me.
The fact that they have done something about the problems that are threatening to kill us all shows just how good a state the cares even a little bit about its population is. You cab debate if they’re really socialist or ever will be til we’re blue in the face, whatever it us they are doing is crushing the US and every other imperialist dumpster
The NYT writes a new zero COVID authoritarian China article literally every single day, it’s actually stunning how deeply they hate it. A new one every single day for months, I’d be shocked if there was any topic other than the pandemic in general that has ever gotten daily, front page reporting for months on end like that. Absolutely unreal, the bourgeois press are disgusting.
I think every single one of them has the word “draconian” sprinkled in somewhere too
I had to check lol, the article linked in the OP does have it. I see it in every one of these I’ve looked at