But I thought :porky-happy: wanted the treat factories to reopen?
US President Joe Biden’s top trade official in Geneva said any WTO agreement related to Covid-19 vaccines must explicitly exclude China from being able to benefit from the deal.
How would China benefit in a way that other countries don’t? I don’t understand.
China […] has objected to a key provision that Beijing said would discourage shipments of doses to poorer nations.
Helping poorer nations is the whole point. :agony-shivering:
Willing to let millions die over sheer pettiness
The current proposal contains a footnote that excludes China because it is the only developing country that exported more than 10% of global Covid-19 vaccine doses.
developing country
I only know what I see online, but they look pretty damn developed to me. I guess the meaning of this has changed to “any country that is continuing to make progress and not just a rotting husk like a whale carcass being devoured by sharks”?
They’re in that phase between developed and underdeveloped. I would say they’re more like Mexico or Panama. The parts that are developed come pretty close to countries in Europe and Asia, sometimes even surpassing them. But the underdeveloped parts of the country are still very poor and lacking important infrastructure.
The US constantly shooting themselves in the foot over and over
The waiver, but it presumably wants the ability to use it if necessary should things worsen (entirely reasonably, because they will).
Also if another country were to ship >10% of its manufactured doses (say to its neighbour that lacks the facility) they’d be automatically excluded from the waiver.