Why is pissing and shitting during a fight seen as dishonorable? WE’RE ANIMALS
If you’re fighting a space alien it’s acceptable.
Depends on what stakes you’re fighting for. If you’re fighting for status and don’t intend to kill each other doing things that can cause permanent injury like biting, eye gouging, etc. are socially unacceptable escalations of violence. The purpose of the fight is to establish your legitimacy and masculinity through an act of ritualized violence. It’s explicitly not supposed to result in permanent disability or death.
Same thing with fencing, where you’re not allowed to tank a hit so you can kick someone’s knee in to pieces then suplex them. That would be a socially unacceptable escalation of violence.
If you’re actually trying to kill someone then all bets are off, but in many contexts fights are about asserting dominance or proving yourself or waving your dick around, not killing your opponent.
Of course all those rules and norms go out the window pretty easily. As far as I know any social conception of a “clean” fight; fists only, no kicking, no blows below the belt, no headbutting, and you stop as soon as the other guy goes down, that just doesn’t exist anymore. If you throw a punch you should expect the other guy to shoot you. America is a savage and lawless place with little culture to speak of, and certainly no community or social organization left that can establish and enforce social norms of behavior.
If your trying to kill someone scratching and biting seem very ineffective.
Nah ripping out a jugular or other large blood vessel with ur teeth is totally possible and very often fatal.
IDK why kicking is frowned upon, like if you’re kicking high and not just aiming for the dick. I guess it’s because legs have enough muscle to kill a dude where arms don’t really?
Depends on the type of fight of course, but I can’t help but think that a significant part of fighting is purely performative. Which begs the question , which aspects of fighting are actual primal instincts taking over and which are a role/gender expectation. This is why there’s an implicit understanding on not hitting your opponent’s nuts, you may win the fight, but are you really winning some tacit form of respect?