Planning to fight China to the last Taiwan person :sadness-abysmal:
The US government wants China to invade Taiwan so fucking badly.
Only way to deal with China’s position for the US is to destabilize. To do that they need some hot proxy war which drains resources and can be propagandized well. It would also enable more smuggling of weapons into China and have groups use militant means within the country.
What we can see here is how capitalist imperialist nations did always act against competing countries, especially those which leader’s tell us that their goal is to reach socialism.
I gotta think that China is still capable of learning from Russia’s mistakes, and invading Ukraine (which was never in a million years going to be allowed into NATO) was a pretty big mistake.
Xi and the cpc has been pretty clear that they seek a peaceful reunification with Taiwan, the idea of an invasion has been totally fabricated in the West. What I fear, especially with language like this, is that should peaceful reunification someday come, Western backed separatist groups would launch attacks, and the subsequent fighting would give the West it’s chance to declare an “invasion.”
y’all way too online this isn’t a ‘go to war with China we’ll totally back you’
its just a lockheed advertisement you can’t make this shit up Taipei needs “effective training with the right weapons systems.” the phrase arms sales shows up 4 fucking times. motherfuckers love a war because even non-combatants might look at it and perceive they need better hardware, this press circuit is to help Taiwan perceive that and pump some cash into the yankee MIC
Yes it’s a Lockheed ad, and a recycled state dept press release from a Pentagon correspondent/stenographer with a history of being embedded with the military as the top line in her about page, and it’s from the DC trade rag Politico, and it’s clickbait for social media, and it’s typical establishment press trash.
But this is like the trash dug up by archaeologists in some ancient abandoned ruin: it tells us important things about the society which created this trash.
hey i mean they haven’t lost yet. but there’s no way taiwan would last more than like a week
Right? How they gonna ship weapons to it? No land or borders to send anything across once the Chinese fleet blockades the place.
Can’t underestimate the size of their army though. It’s comparable in size to Ukraine’s army but with a landmass much much much smaller to defend. If it came to fighting it would be really dense.
you mean start attacking your own citizens and start a civil war on your superpower neighbor’s border? that playbook?
“There is no question that the perceived reality of the possibility [of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan] is greater than it was three months ago,” said Aaron Friedberg, a professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton University.
In our blood hungry, violent minds, they would do this thing that we have no reason to believe they would do at all
like also its just so much for china to potentially lose if they do invade taiwan militarily. if they do it peacefully they get all of those nice semiconductor factories on top of it being the morally right thing to do
They make a huge portion of the world’s superconductors and computer chips I think. That alone is reason enough for China not to even want to invade.
I mean I thought similar things about Russia so I’ll say that much but I just don’t think these are similar at all.
If they do opt for a military intervention, imo Taiwan will either fold near instantly as the island is blockaded and Chinese troops pop up everywhere or they just blockade it and wait
But I sincerely doubt it’ll come to that. China isnt Russia. The thing is Taiwan is so close to China that the entirety of the island can be bombed, port striked, and blockaded without landing a single troop
No, probably not, capital will steal the developers, and destroy the fabs.
Depends. Some Chinese corporations (Huawei) are stock-based worker cooperatives and give you insane dividends as a worker. Like, paying better than silicon valley type dividends. If they promised to do that for semiconductors as a forced transition I doubt those workers would go poof because plenty of westerners already wanna work for those chinese agencies cause of the pay.
Obviously there are downsides to stock-based worker cooperatives but its better than the run-of-the-mill corporation
There is a faction of the KMT that supports reunification
Indigenous people of taiwan prefers the mainlands ethnic policy
Capitalists love bribes
Just make the mainland so great that its dumb to be separate
Afaik the mainland already allows Taiwanese citizens to live there. So you can just drain the population by being better
I don’t think “annex” is the correct term when almost all the world’s nations recognizes Taiwan as being part of China. It’d be no more an annexation than when Iraq kicked ISIS out and reasserted civil and military control over occupied lands.