Does he ride a motorcycle?
Looks like body armor is getting more common in these things. I’ve heard it’s best in that situation to target the attacker’s pelvis instead. I don’t know how true it is but it seems logical.
“Body armor” could mean anything from a nylon air soft vest to some heavy mil surplus shit with ceramic chest plates, or even like, a bunch of welded together metal scraps like that one old outlaw had. In any case, they probably didn’t bother to armor their head or thighs, both of which would bleed out quickly if damaged.
Extra History is pretty lib but their series on Ned Kelly was excellent. The guy tried to live an honest life but kept getting called a criminal by the rich and powerful until one day he said “Fine, fuck it. I guess I am a criminal now” and proceeded to make every rich asshole in Australia dread his existence
Level 4 plates that can reliably stop multiple rifle rounds cost less than 1k for a set.
Realistically, hitting a specific small part of a person, with a pistol, at a distance, while that person is shooting at you, is beyond most people.
Reminds me of the North Hollywood shootout from 90’s. Two guys decked out in armor and got armor piercing rounds got in a crazy shootout with cops. Here’s a documentary if anyone feels like blowing 20 mintues.
This is familiar, these the guys that dosed up on muscle relaxants beforehand?
Yeah the documentary covers that. They took barbituates to make themselves calm so they wouldn’t panic and make bad decisions. They synchronized their watches to 8 minutes because they calculated that’s how long it’d take cops to get there. But they miscalculated and it only took 2-3 minutes for cops to surround the building.
why is this documentary so funny tho?
it’s almost like a parody of American television programming.
also, how many billions of dollars do you reckon the police milked out of this shit?
edit: “there were an average of 3 armed bank robberies a day in Los Angeles”. there’s no way that’s true, right??
Yeah the 3 armed bank robberies does sound like a lot. They were saying that back then they didn’t carry assault rifles or anything. Nowadays I’m pretty sure they got one in every car.
“It’s friday, TGIF for employees at a bank in North Hollywood. But when the horror begins, the end of their work-week will become frozen in time. Two men, DEMONS as the police call them, approach a bank”
who the fuck wrote this script :data-laughing:
“Was engaged by law enforcement”
So the SRO/school cop saw him and left?
:biden-troll: folks we’ve gotta get more fascist
“And this is why we need funding for more Barret 50 cal sniper rifles and 25mm Bushmaster Autocannons for our APCs.”