So I hop on reddit (big mistake ik) and I see this headline about China performing forced sterilizations on Uighur women. I look at the article and is there any actual evidence? Of course not. Its some woman in a Turkish nail salon who claims she performed 500 abortions. I’d like to remind you that Uighur birthrates are only down 4% across China, likely a consequence of increased development.*
So how do the top minds at reddit react?
Modern day Nazis
Neo Nazis
I’d go with Turbonazis
And when people challenge this completely unsourced claim…
Skepticism is good but there is no reason to assume things are not worse than what is being reported.
Weird how this accounts ONLY posts are defending the CCP in their 2 years active. Weird considering the CCP has an active social media campaign paying people to deflect and defend them…
Why do people believe things that are likely just propaganda? Is it 9:00 AM at Langley or do all Americans have brainworms?
*Edit: Seems I misinterpreted this stat, the 4% is a national figure not specific to the Uighur people.
The blithe solipsism of your average reddit lib is a terrifying thing to see in action. If reddit told them that anyone who goes against US propaganda is actually a secret Chinese android, they’d have the mega-gallows built by noon
I have this theory that anyone using the word “womb” is not only trying to manipulate the listener, but doesn’t even care about trying to hide it. The term uterus is not so far removed from the common parlance that “womb” presents a more understandable alternative. It is useful only in that it is charged with emotional significance and, in the Christ-o-sphere, religious overtones. Bullshit word for dealing in bullshit. Uterus gang for lyfe.
do all Americans have brainworms?
Skepticism is good but there is no reason to assume things are not worse than what is being reported.
Why do I bother
There is actually an up-voted response citing the Nayirah Testimony in reply of the top comment. There is actually a good amount of skepticism in the comments and some people are wondering why the comments seem more skeptical now. Hopefully the people that read the comments will have the idea that there is more to it put in their head. However, most only read the headline and go from there.
Fair, but there’s a pretty significant disparity in up-votes between the jingoistic responses and the critical ones