So it turns out the nypd RPD held down and strangled a man in distress untill he died. This happened MONTHS before George Floyd, but it was apparently buried. Recently they released the bodycam footage, showing he pleaded for the police not to shoot as he was disabled, which prompted them to cover his head with an “anti spittle/bite” hood and knelt on him until he died.
From what i’ve read, no cops have been fired, let alone charged with anything.
No jokes this time… i’m sad and knackered and i don’t know if i have anything insightful to say about this… but couldn’t find this on the chat, i felt like we should know and not let the murder go unknown.
It’s a common tactic used by cops for torture. It’s extremely uncomfortable, makes it difficult to breathe, basically guaranteed to make you panic. So obviously you’ll struggle a bit so they’re 100% justified beating you to death or whatever they feel like.
Important to note: NOT NYPD, but RPD, who has their own colorful history of racist policing in the home of the abolitionist and suffragist movement.
i read “new york police” and my mind went NYPD… Thanks for the correction :)
no problem. Its easy to hate the NYPD but theres a whole lot more of NY.
Rochester is a wonderful city that is taking de-industrializing very hard. Some of the most genuinely nice and good people I’ve ever met in the country were from Rochester/Western NY.
Speaking to many people from Rochester is like if Southern Hospitality was genuine.
Deindustrializing and with it, white flight and redlining. The difference in living standards between neighborhoods and between city and suburbs is drastic, along with quality of education, access to services, etc.
Additional footage: