Rittenhouse - shoots 3 people, walks past heavily armed cops with the smoking gun, flees the state, is taken in alive and well
Leftist - summarily executed
Nah this shit is an op.
It has stunk from the beginning. First thing I noticed was how fresh his very noticeable people’s fist neck tat was, probably the one of the easiest identifiers you could have. Then I looked at the stuff chuds were posting about him like livestream stills from earlier where he looks extremely suspicious walking around seemingly looking for something. He apparently is on video reaching for his gun when someone bumps into him but he puts it back when he realizes it’s a BLM protestor. Then there was his social media history which showed him working as a roofer relatively recently with no neck tat, no political posts before the last few months then all of a sudden tons of cringey left wing extremism. I know what most working class white leftists are like and this dude just doesn’t fit the bill. He was apparently arrested recently for driving 111mph while high on weed and pills with a loaded illegal firearm with his two children in the car. He seems to just keep getting let go for shit they’d usually book him for, and then after walking around the protest alone looking sus all night he just fucking domes that guy almost immediately after realizing he’s a fascist.
I know people are scared of seeming like a loony conspiracy theorist but this is a fascist movement and fascists have literally always used false flags.
I think it’s reasonable to say that someone could do most of the things you said and have it just be some sort of manic episode caused from this crisis that makes them very rapidly get into any sort of extremist ideology.
This said, the media attention is what makes it so obviously fake.
turned in by his own fucking family
“We reached out to police and confirmed that we recognized Michael in the screenshots,” Reinoehl’s sister was reported to have said after seeing the footage of her apparently estranged brother who is a professional snowboarder.
They were estranged, so they probably are celebrating it https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/03/us/michael-reinoehl-arrest-portland-shooting.html
Fuck me. Just when you thought things couldn’t get more disgusting. Isn’t it the CHUDs who beat off to 1984, where kids report on their parents?
Honestly wild that being a cop isn’t more dangerous just from them fucking up and shooting each other
Oh look, a death squad
Guys, guys, it’s fine. He just “died” when they went to arrest him. He probably died of old age or something.
Golly, he could have had any number of comorbidities! I bet if you look into it, a pretty high percentage of people who just happen to die in police-involved deadly bullet insertion incidents have at least one comorbidity.