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This is from a really dark but supposedly true story I overheard some years ago:
dig a hole, place a wide pvc pipe with lubricated inside walls sloped downwards into the hole, fill the hole around it, drop fish or something down the pipe.
this trap is effectively invisible, and sound is directed by the pipe. when the cat gets stuck in it, simply fill the remainder of the hole.
I do not advise this approach, especially not that last part where the cat dies.
Yeah, I know. That story was only relevant because “the traps are in your yard, there isn’t a thing they can do about it” is just unlikely to be true in practice.
But if those neighbors cannot see the trap…
But even ‘humane’ traps could be traumatizing for the animal anyway. It just shouldn’t be in their yard at all.
A possibly effective approach is to print a lovely story like the one above, slip it in the neighbor’s mail box, and no cats need to be harmed.
God knows none of you bastards would dare let your cat spend time around my birdies anymore. lol
But also very creative!
Not sure what you expected given I specifically labeled it as really dark
Edit: and that is like nothing compared to what the meat industry does on an industrial scale.
I was revisiting this thread and found I upbeared this, and am wondering just how evil I am now that I don’t know what the comment is.
Eh, that works too. Cat might be birding in the yard 'cause it doesn’t feel like it’s getting its nutrients at home. If it just eats a shitton then birding becomes recreational rather than important
Except if the cat gets sick for whatever reason you’ve got the “YOU POISONED DR. KITTERSON” thing to deal with
As funny as this solution is, that’s not going to be cat food. That’s going to be rat or racoon food.