Tell me you’ve never been to the great plains without telling me you’ve never been to the great plains.
Never underestimate how stupid morons can be
If they ever do it will be via going full eco-fascism mode and killing every minority they see as well as also pushing for a war with China to “stop their polluting”. Can’t really reason with a reactionary death cult like what libs think can be done for some fuckin’ reason.
I saw a post on Tumblr a while ago that basically said that we should all be pleased that Republicans don’t believe in climate change, because the second they can’t deny it anymore, their solutions are going to be global genocide along with a heavy culling of the domestic population.
Those cows only died because ANTIFA released a bunch of “CO2” into the air - that stands for “COMMUNIST OPPRESSION 2” (aka The Great Reset) - and that MAGNIFIES the heat of the sun - and all of US are the ants! This plot targets EVERYONE no matter WHO they are, and they’re trying to DESTROY our CROPS and KILL our LIVESTOCK. The LYING FAKE NEWS MEDIA will say that EVERYDAY PEOPLE are the ones responsible for this COMMUNIST GAS, but the TRUTH is that ANTIFA ELITES like JEFF BEZOS are REALLY BEHIND IT!