There needs to be a term for those restaurants/cafes that pop up when gentrification happens
The UK corrolary is an Asian (what do you mean there are multiple countries and cultures in Asia?) restaurant called something like Geisha with menus in Wonton font selling the saddest Baos you’ve ever seen in your life.
Gentrified tacos are a curse on the Midwest
At least in Chicago they mostly don’t fool anyone. Some folks opened up a taco spot in a super gentrified neighborhood here that had a big fancy neon sign and all that jazz that made it look like a corporate chain restaurant. They eventually put up a sign that said “locally owned latinx business” because everyone thought it was white people tacos and they weren’t getting any business.
If the person answering the phone doesn’t immediately start speaking Spanish at 1000 words a minute I don’t want their food
gentrified texmex wiping out actual new mexican food is cultural genocide on whatever passed for culture in this god forsaken place
Once worked with a guy from Texas who said he loved this Mexican place nearby. We got tacos from there brought in to a work party, and it was the blandest of the bland white people tacos I have ever tasted - it was like a teaspoon of chili powder for a pot of ground beef. Beans also unflavored, and it came with lettuce, cheese, and plain diced tomatoes.
Turns out he’s extremely racist
I spent 28 years of my life thinking that white people tacos were tacos. I have regrets.