“Biden should break the norms of procedure, normality and good faith”
Might as well be proposing a magic wand lmao.
He’ll have his aides go out, say all options are on the table.
Than when pressed they will repeat
All options are on the table.
After people start dying because of the situation and he’s asked about what he’s doing to help, Jill and Joe are going to recreate this magical Reagan sundown moment
Things Biden could do:
- shut up.
- die
Things Biden will actually do:
Call a reporter a yellow-bellied turk
Fall asleep on stage
Send $40 billion in Lethal Aid to Ukraine… for the 3rd time
maybe he’s only still sending aid because he keeps forgetting it’s already been sent
Biden sucks so hard he couldn’t even keep his “Nothing will fundamentally change” promise. Dude is almost admirable in his mediocrity, how is it possible to be a lame duck even before you enter office?
I hate to be that guy but I really hate it when people bring this line up. It mostly doesn’t matter so I ignore it instead of being a pedant but every now and then it just bothers me enough to chip in.
That line is taken quite egregiously out of context, to point that it’s attacking Biden for the completely wrong reasons. He said this to an audience of rich people not assuring them he would protect their fortunes from any consequences, but rather that if they chipped in a bit more of their share toward (means-tested) state redistributive schemes, then it wouldn’t fundamentally change anything but they’d be doing some good. And he was right - the rich paying a bit more in taxes doesn’t fundamentally change the reality of a bourgeois class dictatorship, and in this part he’s the liberal side of that dictatorship in believing state intervention can mitigate class conflict, thus guarding the privileges of the bourgeoisie more effectively.
Of course, Biden’s problem is that he thinks the bourgeoisie are in any way interested in giving concessions to a working class that is completely complacent and impotent to do anything whatsoever to them, so they don’t need to heed Biden’s pleas at all. Which is exactly why we’re here, a day after reactionaries have banned abortion in half the country.
This Biden quote is like that recent Bush gaffe about invading Iraq. The intention and the original context isn’t important to the picture it paints.
Bush saying the Iraq invasion was bad and illegal is funny.
Biden saying “nothing will change” given the context of the primaries and the fact he was literally being pushed as the candidate with the only mission to defeat Bernie and his very meager proposals is funny.