Your education system is just going to be a bunch of different mobile apps with microtransactions in five years isn’t it
Also, recommend an app for practicing writing kanji, I got a stylus and everything
Your education system is just going to be a bunch of different mobile apps with microtransactions in five years isn’t it
Already is…
Duolingo has been replacing the voices with cartoony ones, and that causes serious problems when learning a tonal language like Chinese. It became incomprehensible.
I only started using it recently, do you mean the slightly exaggerated voice each character has?
The goth-y young woman character’s voice is kind of over the top in Japanese
Yeah. Before I switched to HelloChinese, I would dread seeing the little boy on the screen, because it meant I would have to just guess at what he’s saying, and nevermind hearing the tones.
I love it DuoLingo offers Hindi and displays is with the Indian flag but no Urdu… or Bengali… or Marathi… or Telugu…
Looks like Duolingo has already updated the app? Not sure how this is at all better though…
I’ve been doing HelloChinese on and off, because I’m dedicated to being just sightly ahead of the HSK 1 curve for the rest of my life.
Would love to find something better.