Video will be upsetting for some.
Don’t follow the Minecraft yt scene, but that is such a hard video to watch. I mean, that’s that guy’s baby boy. Fuck that shit. I feel so horrible for the family.
Holy shit age 23?
This was sad, but also nice, in a way. I relate pretty hard to his description of that last 24 hours, knowing it won’t get better and everyone essentially being assembled around their “deathbed”, a word I don’t like too much but I can’t think of any other more descriptive word of those moments other than deathbed. Everyone knows there is nothing more you can do, everyone is powerless to do anything other than wait and make them more comfortable. It’s a very difficult and painful event that I think almost all of us will go through at some point or another for a loved one. Given how common that experience is we should probably talk more openly about it.
Anyway, this’ll be such a hard time for them. I wish them all the best. Hopefully all the outpouring of love they’re receiving from all over the world in some small consolation, I doubt it though. Very unfair.