I’m happy that you got to experience that, but I don’t really appreciate “should” here, as not everyone has similar fond memories and it feels pretty blatantly judgmental.
With every new headline I read I am more and more convinced that I need to leave this country if I want to have children and be able to provide them a life worth living
Death to America
And the people who aren’t able to leave? I didn’t realize my life wasn’t “worth living”.
New Jersey is an absolute swamp of democratic corruption, we also just had a law passed that harshly restricts breweries because they were taking business away from restaurants and the restaurant lobby is in the pockets of the democratic lawmakers. The restrictions were already bad, breweries were not allowed to have a kitchen and most of them had food trucks parked out front as a result. With the new law they are now banned from coordinating with food trucks (not sure how they plan to enforce that) and they cannot make any money from food sales. On top of that, they are only allowed one private party per week and 25 public events per year (so no weekly trivia or anything of that nature). It’s enraging. and so transparently intended to punish them for doing well. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/nj-brewers-frothing-over-new-restrictions/3291455/
Also the only state in the nation with legalized recreational cannabis where homegrow is illegal. The cheapest flower you can buy at dispensaries is $60/eighth.
Average cop salary is over $120k.
hell yea child labour