My fav is rules based order.
“Access to” __________.
Does that apply to housing?
I talk to folks about how everyone should have access to free housing, but I’d rather change my wording if it overlaps too much with a dogwhistle
Good question.🤔 So, “access to” tends to be crypto code word for Means Tested, which then typically undermines the whole thing. What you’re probably looking for is a Right to Free Housing.
I talk to folks about how everyone should have access to free housing
You should talk about how everyone should HAVE free housing
every additional extraneous Websterism makes you sound more like a vice documentary that aims to never actually do anything or force the issue
Anything regarding “awareness”. Aka, I’m aware that people are struggling, I’m aware that climate change is an important issue, I’m aware that workers are worried because of the pandemic, etc.