Just missed a meeting today because I accepted an event on Thunderbird this morning, that should have synced to Nextcloud, and then to my phone running a calendar app from ‘simplemobiletools’. Never made it. After I missed the meeting I didn’t see the event on nextcloud, then went to look at the event on thunderbird, and now lo and behold its on nextcloud, two hours after it was over. Cool. Still not on the phone.
Anyone have a solid calendar stack they like? I’d like to reliably get from emailed invite to alert on my phone.
Heads up about SimpleMobileTools - the project sold out and some of those apps are no longer being updated, I’d suggest migrating your data over to the forked apps now maintained by the Fossify organization
Radicale, CalDAV-Sync, Calengoo.
Calengoo can also connect directly to Radicale.
DAVx5 works fine too for the most part but it crashed once and doesn’t seem to like calendars with lots of events.
CalDAV-Sync is old but super solid. It can’t do contacts but there’s a counterpart app called “CardDAV-Sync Free” for that.
Also can’t do calendars that are marked “journal only” so if you need that you gotta use DAVx5.
Chiming in for Radicale. Been running it for a couple of years now along with Fantastical (I’m on iOS/macOS), and it’s been great.
I use kcaldav and davx5