Hello as you’ve read from the title I’m a Palestinian who lives currently in the occupied territories of Palestine known as the West Bank ,my friend is a moderator here and he told me I should make a post introducing myself ,I once looked up “for Reddit but for leftists” and this is the site that I found ,anyways I personally love reading Manga ,Books,and Playing Chess
I am a Marxist Leninist ,can you believe the username Mohammed is not taken ? ,my friend told me that this space was too “white” but I didn’t think he was that right
Anyways Nice to meet you all
This space is, regrattably, extremely white lol
Welcome comrade!
We also have a more mixed demographics over at the news megathread (Bulletin and News Discussions, pinned at the top) but that’s only if you’re interested in international geopolitics as that’s what most of the discussions there are about.
Ofc I am interested in those things ,I’m just sick of seeing the comments of reactionaries
Glad this exists
Yeah, there’s no denying the melanin deficiency here, but I think most of us are able and willing to recognize the privilege we have that comes along with being bleach demons. Speaking for myself at least, and from what I’ve seen it’s true of much of the community around here, we are learning to stfu and listen when a person of color tells us we’re wrong, misunderstand something, or are just being dumbass crackers. So feel free to put us in our place when that happens. I’d like to think that most of the community here will appreciate it rather than immediately get defensive and chauvinistic like most other chromatically bland spaces. Anyway, welcome!
Reddit is filled with crackers that don’t know their place 😆
And I mean It seriously here ,yk the racist comments they make like “The Middle East has been at war for centuries” (which are blatantly wrong)
This space is, regrattably, extremely white lol
Idk if we’ve ever done an official poll, and even if we did we’re anonymous so there no way to confirm results. But anecdotally I’d say this site seems a bit better than most English language online spaces. Still plenty of
I guess because a lot of users came from the ChapoTrapHouse podcast or whatever it is, attracts more white people
You have our full support whether your resistance is violent or nonviolent.
We don’t have demographic data for obvious reasons, but yeah, we could stand to have more non white members join, but unfortunately that’s the state of the western left in the US.
No. I’m responding to the op post. Their friend said this forum was too white.
It was an addendum to my original comment.
all palestinian violence against israel is self-defense.
Hello, everyone, this is also a friend of mine so, please, err, be kind to 'em.