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i heard this really interesting discussion on a podcast about how the mechanics of victoria 2 kind of indirectly condemn communism by making direct control of the economy kind of unfeasible in a big enough country which creates a kind of bias for the capitalist route. They also mention how in HOI4 the Great Purge is more or less framed as necessary to prevent a Trotskyist counter-revolution, which is pretty funny
In HOI4 though Trotsky is given ungodly superpowers to incite a civil war in literally any country he wants to with no waiting time. Wanna incite a civil war in a country? Pay the political cost and it shall begin NOW. Not in a year, NOW.
He is ungodly overpowered and designed to be a ridiculous internationalist power fantasy for achieving the global communist revolution.
In light of Trotsky’s ridiculously comedic superpowers that are kind of an indictment of how ridiculous and dangerous his beliefs were it implies that the purges prevented the possibility of a global revolution occurring which NEEDED Trotsky to happen.
Uphold Marxist-Liberal-Chapoism!